Let’s talk about sales — You’re a natural born negotiator
Some people have the negative image of a salesperson or the sales role, as people who use tricks and manipulation to fool the others. This is due to a certain cliché or the image of an aggressive salesperson or selling behavior. Take for instance the example of door-to-door, telesales or car salespeople. But that’s mainly in B2C. Though to the common citizen, sales is sales, they don’t really get the picture of the difference between B2C and B2B.
B2B sales have nothing to do with it. You’re pushy or you use tricks once, not twice. B2B foundations are built on trust, knowledge, expertise, loyalty, perseverance, and patience. There is no place for tricks. You aren’t being pushy here, but you can face — and you will — face a pushy purchaser. It’s up to you how to deal with him.
Many other people admire the role of a salesperson but think they don’t have what it takes, or feel they don’t know the tricks or have the “poker” face to do the job. They think they’re too nice or not equipped to overcome a negotiation. So they wonder and they doubt if they could do a sales role.
Guess what, you’re negotiating every single day. All of us are. From the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep. From your childhood until your elderly days.
- You negotiate with your parents: why you can’t go out with your friends or on a road trip.
- You negotiate with your friends: which bar you guys should go to tonight, and who’s driving.
- You negotiate with your girlfriend: to watch football or “Friends” on TV.
- You negotiate with your siblings: who’s cleaning the bathroom or takes the dog out.
- You negotiate with your wife: if you’re going to her parents or to your friends for dinner.
- You negotiate with your teachers: if you have to finish your project this week or within a few additional days.
- You negotiate with your boss: your holidays and even your performance appraisal.
Guess what, you negotiate even with yourself.
Every single day, whether you want to or not, whether you know it or not, you’re negotiating. The question is, how good are you at that? How often are you able to get the what you expected? Are you happy with the success rate of your negotiations? Are you just letting go to not start a discussion (negotiation)? Do you avoid confrontation? Or do you sometimes let go and sometimes you fight for your idea? It’s all about negotiation, mediation, finding common ground, some concessions, some trades. Right? What do you think selling in the B2B world is?
Things to have in mind embracing a sales career- you’re a natural born negotiator:
- When you’ve learned to talk, you learned the art of negotiation.
- You’re negotiating every single day with those around you. All of us are. From the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep. Negotiate with friends, parents, colleagues or bosses
- It’s all about mediation, finding common ground, some concessions, some trades. Right? Even in your own personal life. With your wife, parents or kids. So you’re a negotiator (or label it as you want).
- You negotiate even with yourself. Almost every moment of the day. Should I do this or not? Go this or that way? Eat fish or meat? It’s all a matter of persuasion, convincing, having what the other party wants or needs (in many cases, yourself).
- Often, negotiation is a power play. Customers play with the size of their company, reputation or position. They will ask for more, they think they can have more. In sales, you can be on one side or the other. Just be aware of this, and don’t let it hinder your preparation and expected outcomes.
This is an excerpt of my book “sales is my passion”, available here: http://amzn.to/2DY7nVy
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Originally published at amaroaraujo.com on February 25, 2018.