You’re responsible for your happiness
⏬ This week’s card is being happy for no reason.
When you’re happy on your own, you spread that lightness of being and vibe with those around you, and they feel free from “having” to contribute to your happiness.
It’s not fair to put the responsibility of your happiness on those around you. And don’t confuse this with being such an arrogant being that does not need, enjoys, and benefit other people’s presence in one’s life.
Without such “weight” or obligation, everybody will be happy, making the other happy. Rephrase. Ban things like
✅ If my kids would take these studies/career/marriage, it would be so much better (for who?)…
✅ They are selfish, they should think about me for once (ad that’s not you being selfish…)
✅ If they were more clever/ambitious…
⏩ What beliefs or habits can you start letting go to live an happy free life?